Webinar Programme - Tourism, Hospitality & Travel - Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow

Author: (Default Company)The Winning Team
Posted Date: Friday, Feb 05, 2021
Total Reviews: 1,022

Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) published the Webinar programme details for the forthcoming MHRA BOV Deloitte Webinar Programme - Tourism, Hospitality & Travel - Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow.

Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA), with the support of Bank of Valletta and Deloitte, is organizing a webinar, to better assess what happened over the past months and how this is affecting the current tourism, hospitality and travel scenario, but also the prospects for the future with a specific focus on Malta and the Mediterranean region. 

Hon Clayton Bartolo, new Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Dr Taleb Rifai. former Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and Senator at the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, Hon Elena Kountoura, Member of the European Parliament and former Minister of Tourism, Greece, Mr Ronald Mizzi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Dr Gavin Gulia, Chairman, Malta Tourism Authority, Mr Johann Buttigieg, Chief Executive Office, Malta Tourism Authority, Mr David. G. Curmi, Executive Chairman, Air Malta, Mr Leslie Vella, Deputy CEO and Chief Officer Strategic Development, Malta Tourism Authority, Mr Carlo Micallef, Deputy CEO and Chief Marketing Officer, Malta Tourism Authority, together with Mr Raphael Aloisio, Director, Deloitte Malta,  and Mr Albert Frendo, Chief Credit Officer, Bank of Valletta will be participating in this webinar. The panels will be moderated by Mr Andrew Agius Muscat, Chief Executive Officer, Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association and Ms Michelle Seguna, Founder SpeakToMove and HR Director, The Westin Dragonara Resort.

Mr Tony Zahra, President of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association will close the webinar.

  • Webinar Date: Tuesday 9th February 2021

  • Time: 10:00hrs (Malta Time)

  • Medium: Zoom

Please click on link below to register for the webinar zoom link.

MHRA BOV Deloitte Webinar Registration
