Learn ASL: Communicate with Store or Restaurant Customers! (Basic beginner sign language phrases)

Learn how to sign in American Sign Language! This is a basic, beginner-level introduction to a few signs and phrases that may be relevant to store and restaurant employees. If you serve customers in your sales/service job, then these signs may help you communicate with your Deaf clientele!

Below is a full list of signs in the above video, with the timestamp so you can skip ahead to your desired sign. Any additional signs you'd like to learn? Feel free to comment and I'll add them to lists for future videos.

Serious about signing? Check out the online beginner course: http://bit.ly/ASLbeginner

Signs in Order:

HELLO (0:24)
WELCOME (0:29)
HOW-ARE YOU? (0:44)
"Can I help you?" (0:59)
"Are you Deaf?" (1:27)
"Do you sign?" (1:53)
YES (2:14)
NO (2:28)
"I know a little" (2:52)
PLEASE (3:25)
SORRY (3:35)
UNDERSTAND (3:50) - followed by "Do you understand?" and "I don't understand."
AGAIN (4:30)
SLOW (4:40)
"Sorry, I don't understand. Please sign again, slowly" (4:51)
PAPER (5:04)
WANT (5:17)
"Want paper to write?" (5:44)
"What do you want?" (6:24)
HAVE (6:42)
"Yes, we have that." (6:54)
"No, we don't have that / don't have any" (7:00)
"Are you ready?" (7:22)
"Ready to order?" (7:34)
FOOD (7:50)
"Your food is ready." (8:00)
"Are you done?" / "Are you finished?" (8:15)
"Is this all?" / "Will that be all?" (8:29)
PAY (8:43)
"Are you ready to pay?" (9:24)
"You can pay over there" (9:33)
"Where do I pay?" (9:40)
"The register is over there" (9:58)
"How are you paying?" (10:02)
CASH (10:10)
CREDIT (card) (10:25)
"Are you paying with cash or credit?" (10:35)
"Cash only" (10:50)
MONEY (11:12)
COST / FEE / PRICE (11:20)
DOLLAR (11:32)
On Sale / Reduced cost (12:12)
CHEAP (12:37)
FREE / no price (12:54)
THANK-YOU (13:05)
"Thank you for coming" (13:11)
"Have a good day! Goodbye!" (14:00)

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Learn about the online beginner course: http://bit.ly/ASLbeginner
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