Building Tomorrow's Leaders

If you want to learn more about how you can identify future leaders in your organization, read the article at

Leaders aren't just the people at the very top, nor are they necessarily the highest achievers. No... they are the people who have the vision, the motivation and the passion to inspire the people around them. They are able to energize those around them to strive for organizational and career success.

These people play a vital part in building a strong, respected and prosperous business. But, it's not always easy to spot the people that have leadership potential.

So, in this video we suggest seven key attributes that can help you to identify the people in your organization who have the most potential to become future leaders. They are:

1. They can generate new ideas and build an inspiring future.
2. They have a natural drive and are passionate about leading.
3. They can recognize their own strengths and weaknesses.
4. They have integrity, and are respected by others for their fairness.
5.They are "people-people."
6. They have a positive and motivational energy, and their enthusiasm is contagious.
7. They have a "star" quality that's difficult to define, but easy to recognize.

And remember, almost anyone can develop leadership qualities, but some will have a natural flair for it. Use the attributes outlined in this video as a guide, and you'll be well on your way to building your future leaders.
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