Homemade Italian Wine - How to make wine at home from grapes without yeast and sugar

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I made the red wine for you, in the end it was easier than I thought.
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BEER KIT : http://amzn.to/2pCpaq5

IPA BEER KIT : https://amzn.to/36R038z

THERMOMETER: http://amzn.to/2x1WOdd

DENSIMETER: http://amzn.to/2x1qUgV

YEAST : http://amzn.to/2wcfoCy


HOP : https://amzn.to/35IRdIE

MALT : https://amzn.to/2tgm2r1

BOTTLES : http://amzn.to/2h6v4jP

AIRLOCK : https://amzn.to/2NSagu9

FERMENTER 30 Liters: https://amzn.to/36fhnCZ

ALCOHOLOMETER : https://amzn.to/36fN9Qx

STARTER KOMBUCHA : https://amzn.to/2O7kaZ1

CLEAVER KNIFE : https://amzn.to/2X3B1Cr

BREAD KNIFE : https://amzn.to/2XsnQdI

DAMASCUS KNIFE : https://amzn.to/2WX5q5j
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