Trick Your Mind into Being Creative | Aadil Vora | TEDxNSU

Why is facing a blank canvas so difficult? Inventing the ingenious can seem insoluble! But there is a simple mindhack anyone can use to get over this “writers block,” spark the mind, and ignite the creative process. In this talk, Aadil Vora will demonstrate how we can trick ourselves into thinking more creatively while filtering out the cliché.

NSU alumnus Aadil Vora (2014, B.S. in Biology, Honors and Dual Admission student) is a first-year medical student in the university’s D.O. program. Although most of his time is devoted to becoming a physician, Vora also enjoys the visual and performing arts. At the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, he earned bronze and gold medals for his work in monologues (2011) and musical theatre (2012). Vora cites theatre as a major influence in his decision to study medicine. Acting taught him how to see the world through the eyes of a given character, and he now uses those skills to view clinical experiences through the eyes of his patients. In 2012, Vora coached elementary school students in a creativity competition called Odyssey of the Mind. After studying how children think critically and creatively, he presented his findings. Intrigued by the sources and outcomes of creativity in children, Vora is looking forward to his future pediatrics and psychiatry clinical rotations.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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