Building Tourism from Zero, with Ideas from Zero! Part 2 - Hospitality Insights Webinar

Author: (Default Company)The Winning Team
Posted Date: Monday, Apr 19, 2021
Total Reviews: 1,066


During the next episode of Hospitality Insights, Sam-Erik Ruttmann will hold a discussion with Jaka Godejša, Coordinator, Locals From Zero, about his journey in hospitality, and his passion To Build Tourism From Zero. 

Almost overnight all over the world tourism came to point zero. It is a unique, even scary moment. Catastrophe or a chance to reset and build something new? 

Jaka  Godejša has seen the negative impact mass tourism can have, but also the alternative of creating sustainable hospitality solutions. 

The webinar will discuss what it means to be a Scout at Locals From Zero and about building a community platform with ¨ Ideas From Zero ¨.

Join Hospitality Insights Tuesday 20th April at 5pm Helsinki, 4pm Malta and 3pm London.

Register on the following link below: 

Hospitlaity Insights link Registration Part 2
