Webinar - The EU and Insularities: A Relationship to Build?

Author: (Default Company)The Winning Team
Posted Date: Tuesday, Apr 13, 2021
Total Reviews: 835

Gozitan MEP Josianne Cutajar will be joining other MEPs hailing from small, remote states across Europe to discuss the challenges and opportunities inherent to insular countries in the wider European family of nations.

MEP Cutajar stated that "We constantly speak of Gozo facing double insularity. Other regions within the EU also face insularity, but have you ever wondered as to the extent to which EU policies address insularity."

This webinar is going to be held on Thursday 15th April 2021, starting at 11:00hrs and is being co-hosted with the European Parliament Liaison Offices in Marseilles and Barcelona. The original language of the event will be French, with interpretation in English available in Zoom and broadcast live on Facebook for those who wish to follow the debate. The other MEPs participating in this webinar are Younous Omarjee from la Réunion, France, François Alfonsi from Corsica, France and Rosa Estaras Ferragut from the Balearics islands, Spain.

 Join this webinar by registering your interest from this link: https://fb.me/e/xOgchUvp
