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The Social Hotelier by Sam-Erik Ruttmann

Building Tourism From Zero With Ideas From Zero

Members Joined: 2 Members Joined
Total Views: 864 People Visited
Duration: 43 minutes

Almost overnight all over the world tourism came to point zero. It is a unique, even scary moment. Catastrophe or a chance to reset and build something new? 

Discussion with Jaka  Godejša, Coordinator, about his journey in hospitality, and his passion To Build Tourism From Zero.

He has seen the negative impact mass tourism can have, but also the alternative of creating sustainable hospitality solutions. 

We will discuss what it means to be a Scout at Locals From Zero and about building a community platform with ¨ Ideas From Zero ¨.

    • Building Tourism From Zero With Ideas From Zero
      00:43 hour(s)
Sam Erik Ruttmann
Sam Erik Ruttmann
Director of Global Hospitality Development at Studio Puisto Architects
Expert in hotel business, redefining new paradigms for your business growth. Extensive international experience in the hotel industry, hotel management, hotel development for multi brand hotel companies, brand re launch, and asset management across, South East Asia, Middle East and Africa. A strategic and operational back ground in senior management roles leading multi branded hotels and managing owner relations. Currently helping hotel owners and managers to leverage social media to grow their audience, brand and market share.